How Do I Choose the Right Contractor?

Are you starting a new remodeling project, new build, or some other project and need to hire a contractor?

That process can be overwhelming and some people aren’t sure where to start. Here are some general steps:

1) Do research
Research various contractors in your local area that have experience and skill. The internet is a great tool for this. If the contractor has to travel a long way to work then likely his price or costs will be higher.

2) Are they Licensed, bonded, insured?
Would you really want someone working on your most valuable asset without having some insurance behind him. Accidents will happen. Be smart and hire someone insured! But again realize the cost to have insurance will likely reflect the higher price to you as a customer.

3) Verify there qualifications
This could be done by visiting there website. Usually a professional company will have one. Review pictures and other content. Ask for references. Usually his previous work will help you get an idea of his price.

4) Compare pricing
Does he drive around in a brand new truck, have multiple work vehicles and employees…then his prices to you as a customer are going to be higher. Does he have a rundown beat up truck with a spray painted on logo? Well his prices are going to be lower to you as a customer, but do you really want him working on your home? I suggest choosing a contractor somewhere in the middle of the road when it comes to pricing and estimates. Usually you get a qualified, skilled, contractor and will not be ripped off or pay twice to do the job right.

5) Finally, choose someone you feel comfortable working with.
Remember your entering into a relationship with this person and will likely have to communicate regularly with them. So is this person easy to work with. Do they return your phone calls promptly?

Hopefully these simple guidelines will help!

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